Improvements to Vaccine Tracking App
About Project
Android, iOS
COMPLETEDTechnologies & Tools

Challenges and Objectives
First of all, we needed to deal with the Back End the performance of which was insufficient at the moment. Considering that the app was still in the initial stages of its development, we decided on a monolith architecture approach, because unlike the microservices approach, the former is less costly in terms of infrastructure and development. We chose a combination of AWS with a JHipster scaffolding tool to ensure high performance and optimal time of development.
In addition to applying our knowledge and experience of crafting competitive designs, we conducted research of the industry and investigated competition to determine the improvements that should be made to the app to ensure its relevance and marketability
The features we implemented/improved:
Rewrote and optimized the Back End architecture for better and more stable performance
Added possibility to manage family members
Added ’upload a file’ functionality
Changed the workflow of finding and booking a clinic for a vaccination to make the process more straightforward
Some of the improvements/changes to the design of the app that we made:
Added notifications and calls to actions on home screen
Optimized layout so it can contain more useful information
Changed some fonts, so the differentiation between different sections is more apparent
Rearranged certain elements so important information is easily accessible
Changed visual hierarchy of interactive elements to improve the app’s intuitiveness
Emphasized clickable elements so they are easier to notice
Decreased number of interactive elements per screen to not overload the app’s visuals
Optimized UI to decrease required development efforts

Review more our projects in HealthCare industry
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