Mateusz Stawarz
Chief Commercial Officer, Finvoice
Type of project
Custom Software Development
KindGeek did design and UI work for a task manager, an access manager, and a view details section.
Feedback summary
The team hit all goals and delivered efficiently, which optimized development performance as it freed up internal resources. Expect a reliable partner in KindGeek, a team that communicates honestly.
For what projects/services did your company hire KindGeek?
We wanted to expand our base product to make it enterprise grade. They focused mainly on design and UI.
What were your goals for this project?
We wanted to build a certain number of features over a one-month period for an eight-hour demo with 30 bankers.
How did you select this vendor?
We received a referral.
Describe the project and the services they provided in detail.
They did design and UI work for a task manager, an access manager, and a view details section.
What was the team composition?
We worked with a project manager and a lead designer. Their CEO also served in an advisory role.
Results & Feedback
Can you share any information that demonstrates the impact that this project has had on your business?
KindGeek achieved all of our goals and quickly grasped our need for speed.
How was project management arranged and how effective was it?
Not only did they manage their work well, but they also helped us manage another development team.
What did you find most impressive about this company?
Their integrity and trustworthiness made an impact. They were very honest when they told us that they didn't have the in-house skills for a particular task due to part of our software being in an older language. They recommended another developer for this part and took responsibility for their work.
Everything they did was reliable and didn't need to be checked in great detail, which enabled us to enhance our development capacity.
Are there any areas for improvement?
No, I can’t think of anything.